4 Week Deep Dive
The 4 Week Deep Dive is a four week online course that teaches you how to:
Determine what genes are most relevant to your patient and client.
Use that genetic information to select only the labs your client needs.
Confidently present your findings and recommendations to your patients and clients.
Get more referrals from happy and healthy patients and clients.
A Functional Approach to Mental Health
A Functional Approach to Mental Health is a four week online course that will teach you:
How to control the inflammation which contributes to cognitive and emotional dysfunction.
How to reverse microglial activation which is an underlying factor of many mental health issues.
How to support brain-derived neurotropic factor, neuroplasticity, and mental health.
Practice Success 101
Practice Success 101 is a six week online course that will teach you:
The six basic systems every practice needs to achieve a six figure (or more) income.
How to value you your time. How much is an hour of your time worth?
How to set up your practice dashboard so you don't lose track of what's important.
Precision Mycotoxin Detox
Learn the five mold detox pathways your patients and clients need help with.
Our expert, Emily Givler, was part of a team that conducted an original, evidenced-based literature review on mycotoxin detox in humans.
Discover which mycotoxins are eliminated by each of the five different detox pathways.
Evidenced based binder, nutritional support, and genetic review.
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